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Data add-on disappeared, but the money on my account not refunded.Also, Autopay dates not synced.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I received a 95% data plan warning on Friday May 10th, and during the day when my data stopped working, I assumed I had reach my limit but had received no message from PM that had taken place. I purchased a 200MB add on with the $10 that was on my account. Today, I see no indication of the purchase, I have no access to data, and I am quite certain the small amount of google maps checking/facebook checking I did last night wouldn't have come close to using up that 200MB. Can a member of PM please look into this please? I am also getting counterindicative information regarding my autopay: the website still states my normal auto pay dates are happening 15/16th of the month, but the call-in phone number states I won't be autopaying until June 7th, so I'm a little confused about this. Thanks.


Mayor / Maire
@Patches If your data was working after you bought the addon then you probably used all of the data. Google maps uses a fair amount and Facebook uses a lot very quickly, and other apps may have been using more in the background. You should get a data monitoring app that records how much each app uses individually.

For the autopay date you will probably want to contact a moderators about it, many people have been having problems with autopay recently. You can send the moderators a private message here:


@Patches Looks like you will need to send a private message to the Moderator_Team and they will look into your account to see what's wrong.

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

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