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Customer service

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I went to Jamaica for 2 weeks my phone was locked by P.M. I have been back home 3 days my phone is still locked. I can't talk to anyone. This site keeps me going round and round back to square one. I'm so frustrated I'm seriously thinking of switching providers. I've been with P.M. for years but I'm at my breaking point. HELP!


Wow. How does an IMEI even get removed in the first place? Why would that clerk do that? Sucks that you had to go to the expense of a new phone because whatever they did.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No my phone was manipulated and locked by a store  worker in Jamaica Beware. I called samsung great customer service.  They said that the emei number was deleted and without it you can't unlock the phone ever.  I had to buy a new phone. Lesson learned.  This problem was not a public mobile fault. Thank you for all your help.  P.B. is the best carrier.

See if the sim will work in another unlocked phone. See if a non-Telus/Koodo/Public sim will work in your phone. If it says something being locked then that is the problem. Let us know the exact message you might be getting.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I will definitely callsamsung. Thank you for your help.

Ok, that's possible. But upon returning and putting your sim back in it should have worked as explained above.

Samsung has a good service for unlocking phones. Try them.

@Diane2007 If you have been using the phone with PM without  problem, them your phone was locked to Telus or Koodo.  But PM being part of the Telus' family, you ou can try to message support to have the phone unlocked
          or use this direct link to open Chatbot ticket:
            **Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No could not use my phone in jamaica. The store I went to to buy the sim card said my phone would not take the new sim card it was locked.  I will try a different phone with that sim card. Thank you.

Can you try the sim in another phone. Did you use a cell service in Jamaica?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your suggestion I tried it does not work. My phone is locked.  


Sorry for the late reply. Busy Canada Day party.

On your Samsung go to Settings>Connections>More connection settings>VPN>delete VPN profile if purchased a local SIM while you were in Jamaica.

If you didn’t purchase a local SIM then reset the network and go to Settings>General Management>Reset>Reset network settings>Reset settings. You will need to re-enter your home wifi password after the reset.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Samsung A5 2017 thank you 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes my bill gets paid automatically.   I will try what you suggest. Thank you 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Samsung A5 2017. Thank you

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes my bill is paid automatically.  Thank you for your help I will try your suggestion. 

Mayor / Maire

What you’re writing is unclear @Diane2007 


  •  rebooting your phone 
  • resetting network connections
  •  toggling airplane mode on/off 
  • removing and reinserting your public mobile SIM card

You could also try going into your network connections and disable “automatic” and manually select public mobile as the carrier.

Mayor / Maire


It is your phone setting that isn’t allowing you to connect to PM.

What phone do you have?

Mayor / Maire

What do you mean 'locked'? Did you pay your bill on time? Is your account suspended?

More details are needed. Check your PM account with clean browser using computer to confirm if your account is still active.



first login My account using Incgonito mode and confirm if account status is Active 

and did you use Jamaican local sim?  if so, it could be that local sim messed up the settings.  

 check the VPN settings on your phone, delete any profiles there

then Click Reset all networks on your phone


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