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Confirming subscription change on next renewal

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Is there a way to confirm my upcoming change of my subscription after selecting "change upon next renewal"? When I selected that option last month, the change did not occur on the stated date. Am I locked into selected plan when I choose "change plan upon next renewal date"? If these promo plans are not offered anymore during my next renewal date, do I miss out on that promo plan even though it was available when I selected to change my plan?


Mayor / Maire


When i changed my subscription, it was stated in the top of PM app before the switch date.



if you have scheduled a plan change, if you go back to the Change Subscription page ( ) it should confirm you there that a plan change is scheduled and if should also give you an option to Cancel the scheduled change.  Please also take a screenshot just in case

if you don't see it showing the scheduled change, you can try to schedule another plan change or open a ticket with PM for further investigation

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