03:39 PM
- last edited on
02:57 PM
Sorry for my lack of knowledge - my user name says it all.
I will be changing my service provider on Tuesday 15 Nov. I'll have to change it with Public to be able to continue to operate. Can someone kindly advise me what to do & when to do it ??
Additionally, our daughter set up our 2 phones for us but we couldn't use the same email for both. Is there a way to link our 2 accounts together ??
ANY assistance, advice, help would be greatly appreciated = Senior78 (Birthday was yesterday)....
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-16-2022 04:04 PM
self solution removed
11-16-2022 03:59 PM
Just a note to say THANK YOU to all who have helped me get a better understanding of how things work - it's really appreciated. This community forum is one of the best ones that I have participated in.
By way of update - I was called by my current service provider retention department who made me a very attractive offer to remain with them, which I accepted. It sure as heck makes it a lot easier to stay & not have to change all my contacts etc., etc.....Again many thanks & cheers = Roger in Paradise, Newfoundland
11-13-2022 03:11 PM
Why the 15th? Do allow time to port and for issues. Ie. sign up for PM and see if all works then port your number over. Leave the old SIM in Phone when you start the port and make sure to respond that the port out text from your old carrier is ok. If porting a land line or voip that can take up to 10 days.
11-13-2022 03:10 PM
I think it's just the + alias method that might have a problem. I used the . method in one account and I get the password reset to it almost right away.
11-13-2022 03:06 PM
I believe the alias concept has caused issues.
Why not just sign up for a free gmail to handle.
That is if you don’t have one already.
Ie. My wife and I have our preferred gmail addresses for business purposes and a Telus email each for personal stuff. I signed up for a 3rd gmail only to handle our 3rd PM account.
11-13-2022 02:57 PM
Any and all emails to any aliases of a base account will go in to the inbox of the base account.
If you don't change your registered email to something that you can access (a gmail alias for example) then you won't get emails from the account system like promos and password resets or verifications.
11-13-2022 02:53 PM
Well, this is very interesting, informative & helpful. Had no idea that I could log in with the old email. I'm not overanxious to make additional work for others or myself. As long as I can get into the system during the new learning phase & reach out to folks like yourself for assistance as needed then all will be well.
I'd love to try the "alias" concept - the benefit that I see is that I would just have to deal with one account on gmail to see what's happening with both phones. I have already used my gmail account to get my wife's phone set up initially. If I do as you suggest with the "alias" account, is that where I'll have to go in gmail to see any activity regarding the phones....Thanks again & sorry for added work load.
11-12-2022 07:43 PM
For your account that is going to lose access to the registered email address, ask support to change it to an alias of your wifes registered gmail email address.
So for example, say it's yourwifesemail@gmail.com. Change your registered email address to your.wifesemail@gmail.com. Note the dot in the middle. That's one of the alias methods with gmail. Then all emails will come to the one inbox.
As an extra detail, the registered email address here is just a login id. It would only be a problem if you need to receive verification emails from here if SMS is not available. But you can still login with a dead email address.
11-12-2022 05:43 PM
It is what it is - we'll adjust.
I think they will take the money from our 1 credit card each month. Our daughter set this up for us.
It would have been easier if we had waited but she said there was a one day deal that we should take advantage of.....obviously we trust her judgement.
Many thanks for your interest, intervention & feed back. Much appreciated = Roger
11-12-2022 05:36 PM
@Senior78 yup, a new Gmail is the way to go.
and yes, PM is prepaid provider, they are trying to keep a simple system on their end, so no family account concept here 😞
11-12-2022 05:33 PM
Excellent suggestion ! Actually I already have one. The irony is that when switching both my wife's phone & mine to public mobile it would not allow us to use the same email address for both. So I had to use the one that I am going to loose come Tuesday for my account & the gmail one for my wife. A work around might be to get a gmail account for my wife & the use the 2 gmail accounts. It seems a bit strange to me that when you have a family duo (husband & wife) that the 2 phones can't be linked to one account. When with our previous mobile provider we only had one account & one bill to pay each month. Now it appears we will have 2 accounts and 2 bills to pay monthly....we, seniors, prefer the simpler life !!!
11-12-2022 05:13 PM
@Senior78 : Since you have to get a new email account anyways, I suggest you take this chance to open a Gmail account. Gmail will not be going away lol, and is independent of your internet provider.
11-12-2022 04:04 PM
@Senior78 Once customer support have updated your email in your self serve account, make sure you update it in the Community account too (avatar>my settings) so that you'll be able to receive any future emails from customer support and/or to receive any community rewards (if applicable).
Good to hear you will receive help via live chat. Good luck.
11-12-2022 03:55 PM
Sorry for confusion. My service provider for my Internet & email will be changed from one to a different one on Tuesday. The new service provider will use a different email for me & I not be able to use the old one ever again. Hope that clarifies - my apologies.
11-12-2022 03:53 PM
Many thanks for this. I have submitted a ticket & it appears they are going to set up a live chat...
11-12-2022 03:43 PM
@Senior78 PM system is one email.ail address for one account, so for a 2nd account, you need to use another email address to set it up
As to "I will be changing my service provider on Tuesday 15 Nov. I'll have to change it with Public to be able to continue to operate"
What you meant by that? You meant you are going to set up a new account on Nov 15 and port in a number here??
11-12-2022 03:41 PM
@Senior78 You'll need to submit a ticket and ask customer support to update the self serve email. For community account, select My Settings from your avatar and you can change the email yourself.
Here's couple of links to support, try chatbot first: