12-23-2024 08:43 AM
I am trying to subscribe via online but it's not working. Can someone help me with that. Also i need only Canada plan as i don't use US or Mexico is that possible?
12-23-2024 08:47 AM
@Anissa69 there are Canada-wide (Canada only) plans available, just depends on how much data you would like to have. Cheapest is $19 for 1GB, $23 for 6GB, $29 for 20GB etc. You'll need to check the Shop page on the website and go from there.
12-23-2024 08:45 AM
@Anissa69 Some plans are just Canada wide but when you need certain amount of data some plans include US /MEX roaming which is just a bonus . But to activate you need the public mobile app not website to activate just use the pm app and follow the prompts