a month ago
I'm currently in Florida with my Canada-USA plan and cannot make phone calls, call just ends? Data and text messages works fine. Any suggestions on how to fix this ?? I've tried calling Public for help and was sent to Telus and they were no help. Asked it Public Support number was a secret, after being transferred around to many Telus technicians they transferred me again. Spent two hours before I left Canada, as I had same issue in December, went in circle s and no fix. Apparently they own Public but can't tell you anything?? Help !!
a month ago - last edited a month ago
@Neil11 wrote:You're still roaming when you're in the US, but it's included in your plan so there are no extra charges. You'll want to:
1) Turn Data Roaming ON
2) Set Network Selection to AUTOMATIC
3) Set Preferred Network to 4G/LTE (because roaming on AT&T 5G doesn't work)
It has already been stated that data an text messaging are working fine. Therefore, there is no need to make any adjustment to data romaing settings. As for network type and network selection, a roaming network is already being succesfully connected to. Please try to avoid posting pre-scripted answers that are irrelevant to the question being asked or posting content that is repetitive.
a month ago - last edited a month ago
If your phone is not VoLTE enabled with PM, a work around is to download a VOIP app like textnow and use that to make calls. Thats what my husband has to do since he doesnt have a VoLTE enabled phone.
a month ago
@Neil11 That's not the issue if text and data are working.
a month ago
As @Phil_Adelphus said, your phone isn't VoLTE compatible on Public Mobile's network, and because the US shut their 3G networks down, you won't be able to make phone calls in the US unless you upgrade your phone. This will eventually become an issue in Canada too, but for now we still have our 3G network to fallback on for phone calls.
Text and data are not impacted by VoLTE, which is why they're both working fine.
a month ago
You're still roaming when you're in the US, but it's included in your plan so there are no extra charges. You'll want to:
1) Turn Data Roaming ON
2) Set Network Selection to AUTOMATIC
3) Set Preferred Network to 4G/LTE (because roaming on AT&T 5G doesn't work)
a month ago
@Fogee If data and texting work but voice calls don't it suggests your phone is not VoLTE capable and/or approved by Public Mobile. See the list of "certified" phones here
If that's the case you could try connecting to 2G on T-Mobile if it still exists in your area but it is being shutdown starting September 1st 2024 and was spotty before that. You need a VoLTE phone in the US because there is no 3G there since 2022. That doesn't cause a problem in Canada as Telus and Bell still have 3G for now (Rogers is shutting it down in July).
a month ago
PM has no support phone number. Only support you can get is after you open a ticket or help from Community.
You have to connect (manually) to one of few USA mobile companies PM has agrement with.