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Accidentally deleted special offer text for 2GB data and 500 intl. long-distance minutes

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I received the text from Public Mobile regarding the "one-time gift" of 2GB of data and 500 free intl. long-distance minutes. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the text before replying to get the add-ons. Is there anyway I can get that text sent again so that I am able to get the add-ons?


@brentbrown wrote:

Does the data show up immediately, or in January? Because I don't see it in my account or in add-ons. (I'm fairly new with Public Mobile, so I don't know much about it)


HI @brentbrown  the bonus usually show up immediately.   If you don't see it, click the Refresh icon on the bottom of the Add-on section.  Or you can also login using Private mode or Incognito mode

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Does the data show up immediately, or in January? Because I don't see it in my account or in add-ons. (I'm fairly new with Public Mobile, so I don't know much about it)

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Have you tried replying to 4911?  Just reply yes2. 


I'm still waiting to receive my offer but I'm not worried as I have until the 15th to receive it.  Looking forward to getting it.

The text messages doesn't need to be re-sent. You can collect the bonus add-ons by sending an SMS message saying "yes2" to 4911.

Mayor / Maire


Try sending YES2 to 4911


@slr96   if you are sure you have deleted the text, no worry, just message YES2 to shortcode 4911   🙂  it will work the same

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



It comes from 4911, so try putting in that number and reply YES2 first. That may work for you since you already received the text, so it can be resolved that way. If that does not work then you will need to contact PM directly 

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