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AutoPay failed, enter the desired payment at $120, account is still suspened

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

 My master card definitely has enough credit, but AutoPay didn't go through. So i enter the desired payment at $120. Now it shows my avaliable funds is $126, amount due $0.00, but my account is still suspended. A message is asking me to reactivate my current plan by make a payment, can someone help me with this? Thank you


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



You have posted to a very old thread. In the future, start your own thread under the appropriate category and it will get the exposure and answer to your questions you're looking for.


Sorry to hear about your issue.  Unfortunately auto-pay has been randomly glitchy for a number of people over the past month or so.  The recommended steps to rectify the issue has been to turn off auto-pay, remove the CC from the account so it shows none.  Then add the CC back, and turn auto-pay back on.  Hopefully with won't happen again in the future.


Do deal with the issue today, you will need to make a one-time payment to re-activate your account.  If that doesn't work, I would contact the Moderators and have them look into the issue.  Send them a private message using this link: @CS_Agent, provide them with your name, account number and an explanation of what has happened, they will look into the issue and get your account straightened out.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@NDesai wrote:

If there is no interruption with the services, ignore that message. That is normal for everyone during renewal. It will be back to normal in the morning. 

Crazy....... Hopefully these system issues will be fixed one day.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The same thing has happened to me.  It's been over 24 hours now...

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is happening to me too! I think the payment is due today, would you recommend I check the day after?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you my friend, I will check it again when I wake up.


If there is no interruption with the services, ignore that message. That is normal for everyone during renewal. It will be back to normal in the morning. 

I am not a mod. Do not send me private message with your personal info.
If you need to contact PM Customer Support Agent, send a Private Message.

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