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Re: Referred my wife

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

y a til un chat francais


@computergeek541 that makes sense to me. Thanks for explanation!


The reason for me placing this thread here has fo do with the member asking where the French-lanuge forum is.  I left it here because if the OP checks the post history, it will be blank if the message was moved there, and might not know where the message went if not subscribed to the thread.

Mayor / Maire



En haut des forums, à côté de la cloche, il est dit "français". Si vous cliquez dessus, vous serez redirigé vers les forums français.


Puisque vous avez déjà posté, l'Oracle transférera ce fil sur les forums français.


Pouvez-vous fournir plus de détails sur votre problème afin que nous puissions essayer de vous aider?


@computergeek541  put in French please and thank you!


Edit - read it again. I guess he was just try to answer OPs question. So I scratched out the part asking him to tell use what his issue is.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

je ne crois pas

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