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How do I earn community points.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hi - to earn Community points:

Here is a link for more info:


Read up on the articles and questions and then when you are able to help contribute.  Good luck and welcome!

Mayor / Maire

Hello @ECHuss ,


There is no set /written limit to how much time, bravos, answers, questions you need to be involved in to receive community rewards. 

Spend time reading posts, asking questions and answering when you know you can help and you will likely be rewarded!!


Additionally, you could contribute for one 30 day period, get rewarded; then the next 30 day period it resets, so you would need to continue to contribute for any rewards to be given on a continuous basis.

But if you take a break, no worries, just come back when you can!


Here is a link for more info:


Also, note your SELF SERVE account and your COMMUNITY account must have the same email to award any rewards appropriately.


Welcome aboard!



Mayor / Maire

Read up on previous posts and solutions.  Participate in the forum and assist others users with replies and solutions. Helping others is more rewarding then the monetary reward.

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