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[RESOLVED] Select customers on Province-wide talk plans experiencing outbound call issues

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Most Recent Update


19:30 ET - March 19, 2019


Hey Community,


Earlier today we identified an issue affecting select customers on Province-wide talk plans in which outbound phone calls were unable to be placed. Inbound calling, texting and data services remained unaffected.


Our technical teams are implementing a solution which will restore outbound calling service to normal by early morning of March 20. No action is required on your behalf.


However, in the meantime, we have added a complimentary 400 minutes Long Distance Talk Add-On (includes calls to Canada & the U.S) for our affected customers, which you can use immediately and will allow you to make outbound calls. This Add-On will not expire as any unused minutes will roll over to your next cycle.


We understand that your service and staying connected is important and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your patience.


-Public Mobile Community Team




Please click the spoiler for a full history of this service issue to date.


13:30 ET - March 19, 2019


Hey Community,


We’ve identified an issue affecting select customers on Province-wide talk plans in which outbound phone calls are unable to placed. Currently, this looks to be isolated only to Quebec.


If you’re currently experiencing this issue, please note that inbound calling, texting, and data services remain unaffected. Meanwhile, wi-fi calling services and inbound calling may meet your talk needs temporarily.


Our technical team has identified the source of the issue and is working to restore service as quickly as possible. We will provide updates as we learn more.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.


-Public Mobile Community Team


523 REPLIES 523

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@meryk456 wrote:

No update on my side and still no service!! They are pissing us of ! 

@meryk456 Maybe you can download a free app to make call and text in the meantime. At least you can communicate. But the app need to be used with wifi or data. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@CS_Agent Hello, it's been almost 24 hours since my mother and I can't make outgoing calls. We are getting impatient. I have taken out the sim card and turned my phone off and in again with no results.

I have reached out on Twitter and I'm not the only one having this issue. I've been eith public mobile since 2010 and I've never had this problem.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for your help 🙂

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Irina77    meme problèmes depuis 2 jours ,,,,  mais j'aie trouver une alternatif


tu active Wi-fi ( sans -Fil )   sur ton smartphone , tu installe Fongo  je te donne un lien ou tu peut lire comment sa fonçtionne , après tu vas sur apps dans ton tĂ©lĂ©phone tu vas sur apps recherche  Fongo  tu installe  et tu peut faire appel   Gratuit  partout au Canada et tu  peut meme avoir numĂ©ros ou les gens peuvent te rejoindre temporairement  jusqu'au moment ou Publicmobile auront finalement rĂ©gler nos Problèmes au QuĂ©bec..


en un sens tu fait appel  vis internet  et j'aie fait appel  et tout fonctionne comme un charme mais tu dois etre  près  du sans-fil   a la maison -travail ou endroit public.. ou bcp  d'endroit sont gratuit   sa dĂ©panne pour l'instant  alors j'espère que ça t'aideras..

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@shised2019 wrote:

I cannot seem to make any calls.

@shised2019 There are some areas in Eastern Canada have problem to make call. If you can go online, you can download a free calling app at the moment to make phone call or text but that works with internet access. Hope that helps temporary. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Im from Montreal also and same problem 🙄

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

VV Public Mobile just did an announce about it on twitter VV


Some customers in Quebec are reporting having difficulties making outgoing calls. We are investigating this issue to restore service as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

No update on my side and still no service!! They are pissing us of ! 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I cannot seem to make any calls.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hello, today is March 19,2019.

I cannot dial out. I would get a message I do not have a  long distance plan. It is important for my phone to be on. I paid my monthly plan. I live in Montreal Quebec. Please help. I have restarted my phone and still same problem.



If you two guys are in Quebec, there have difficulties making outgoing calls.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I tried everything. I dialed 1 at the begining. Yes I know my plan and I have autopay setup for it as well. My account is already topped up. 


This is not something caused on my end. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Does anybody have an update on the outage? This is crazy  2nd day with no service.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm having the same issue!! It's incredibly frustrating.


I cannot call ANYONE.  It just tells me that "You don't have long distance add on" no matter what number I am calling. 



@wj942 Log in your account, you will know what plan you have. BTW did you try dial 1 first?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sorry, I don't know if it's wide talking.

The message I receive is "You don't have a long distance add on.  And this call is not covered by your plan."  or similar even when I'm calling family members here in Montreal.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have been a Public Mobile (Telus) client for over a year and have never missed a payment. I gave Telus my business because their Public Mobile brand gave me what I needed. 


It has been 2 days now that I can no longer place calls on my phone. This is the main reason why I use my phone. Understanding that Telus does not offer customer service over the phone, they should at least respect their Public Mobile users and give them at least a response as to why Telus is not allowing for calls to be made under their Public Mobile banner.


I am paying for my service and respecting my agreement with Telus. The least they can do is tell me why their are not honoring our agreement.


Instead of spending millions of dollars advertizing their brand with Hippos on television, maybe they can spend a few dollars to tell us why our service has been blocked without notice here in Quebec.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Alan_K    i agree with your post 100%   what i would like  to see Posted on community board is  some News  letting  Customers know what is going on..!!!!  it has been 2 days for me a lot of people as well........ if at least they would write a message  that they are Aware of the problem..


I've Written  a message to Moderators team 2 days ago still haven't got an answer... i'm on the verge of  goin....but found an apps that   could help you for the time being... activate your Wi-Fi at home or At Work  you'll even a phone number so people can reach you  hope this will help you for time being.........

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes I'm having the same problem. Yes I'm a Quebec customer 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Same problem here i wrote to them twice and got nothing...i took the problem into my own hand and paud for the 35? Plan which sucks cause i just paid my 27 plan but i vant stand not having my phone....they need to do something 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

judlydou     Meme problème depuis 2 jours , depuis la  Maintenance et fermeture du centre d'appel  rien ne fonctionne...!!!!  bcp de gens  ont payer et se retrouve avec AUCUN SERVICE.. depuis 2 jours  ,  alors je mets un lien si ça peut t'aider ...  j'ai instasller Fongo un Apps qui permet de faire appel  Gratuit  pour tout le Canada , tu a meme un numĂ©ros ou les gens peuvent te rejoindre... tu Active le Wi-Fi sur ton smartphone et tu installe L'app fongo 


ça fonctionne comme un tĂ©lĂ©phone normal mais tu doit etre proche du '' Wi-Fi ''  au travail ou dans les endroits tous les appels sur Fongo sont Gratuit  pour l'instant ça dĂ©panne pour  le problème majeur que nous ne pouvons aucun appel au QuĂ©bec les ModĂ©rateurs sont au courant et suis sur essaient dĂ©sespèrement de rĂ©gler ce problème Majeur .....voiçi le lien de Fongo si ça peut T'aider pour l'instant.....

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I changed my plan had to pay the entire amount for the change im not happy but not being able to make calls is annoying i feel there should be slnething somewhere explaining it situation and when the serbice shoukd be up and running 

Is your plan Canada wide talking? If so you may dial 1-xxx(area code)-xxx-xxxx

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

impossible de faire des appels, j'ai remis du solde sur mon compte et ca ne change rien...mon forfait ne se réactive pas...j'ai enlever le réapprovisionnement automatique et j'essai de changer de forfait et on me dit que l'argent qui est dans mon compte ne peut être utilisé pour payer mon nouveau forfait...Que faire j'ai des appels impotant à faire...aurais-je un remboursement ou un crédit pour avoir payer double ce mois-ci? Merci de m'aider

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen



Perhaps that's a sign that they're working on it. The only reason my phone is now working is because of the long distance add-on , but if it wasn't for that it wouldn't work. 2 days for Quebecers now and 3 days for people from Ontario. There should be a pop up when people log in to the forums so the first thing they see is the discussion on when a fix is expected or some details concerning this problem that many of us are facing because it's not normal that we aren't hearing anything concrete.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


@will13am wrote:

I am not sure how the CCTS can be leveraged to shorten an outage duration.  I don't think the provider is abdicating responsibility and not taking action.  

Payback for being screwed around for more than a day. While nonody is bothering with even aknowleging that they have a problem. You got a outage just say so with a ETA for resolution and that the end of it for me. It's the lack of basic communication (No pun intended.) that's crossing a big red line. I'm not throwing away $75 of a brand new cycle just to fix something that's not on me to fix.


Edit: Off course I post this rant a minutes after the bloody twitter account just updated us on the situation.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



From 14 March I cant call - "impossible d effectuer un appel inteurbain" - eventhough I payrd my forfait including the calls interurbain as usual at 14 March. No call centres, no customer service. I really dissapointef.So please DO something.




edited by computergeek541:  customer's phone number removed from message

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Whenever I dial, the "automated publicmobile voice" is telling me that a local Montreal phone number I have been dialling for the last year is now a long distance number even though the number has not changed. Can anyone tell me why this might be happening?


Thank you for any help.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Good question cause I was a legacy member and now I can't make any local calls. Mods need to look into this cause that will definitely help them in fixing the problem. Is any non x legacy members having this issue or is it only x legacy members having this issue ?

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