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[FIXED] Dropped Calls

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

[Update as of 3:00PM ET 19/06/2024]: A solution for this issue was successfully implemented earlier this morning that should have resolved this issue for most customers. We understand some customers are still experiencing issues, and the team is working diligently to diagnose and resolve.

Hello Community,

We are aware that some of our subscribers are experiencing intermittent wireless service. We want you to know that our team is actively investigating this issue and is working around the clock to resolve this as quickly as possible.

We understand the importance of staying connected and we will make every effort to keep you, the Community, informed of our progress. We thank you for your patience and we appreciate your understanding during this time. Please continue to check this Community post for the latest updates.

- The Public Mobile Team

199 REPLIES 199

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I have had an ongoing problem with dropped calls since at least January.  Had my phone reprovisioned by  CS agent, and have done all the things that have been suggested and it keeps happening.  Very frustrating, and glad it is finally going to be looked at for resolution.  Winnipeg here.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

 I communicate with my wife multiple times a day, (both are on Public Network) and we often experience disconnections, forcing either of us to redial. Occasionally, I’m on a call, sometimes even on hold for up to 20 minutes, and the call drops very very infuriating. This level of service is unacceptable for something as crucial as telecommunications. If this continues, I will have to escalate the issue to Telus or even CCTS. I urge you to review my call logs to see the frequency of these dropped calls throughout the day. This is getting to much and is an unacceptable level of service which I pay on a month basis for, I'm requesting compensation for this issue and an immediate resolution as acknowledged by Public to this issue.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have had many dropped calls for months......not impressed

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yeah service seems to be degrading eventually.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you! I’ve had few dropped calls for the last two weeks. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

There is still network and call drop issue.

@funpig1 , yes you are correct,  we should be credited by a company when they fail to provide a service that we pay for.

I have yet to experience that here unfortunately. 

I've been here years now and still being refused by PM two times now after asking to upgrade from my original $15 plan that I've had for years now to a new activations only plan for $19 @ 3GB for 90 days.

But it's all good.


 the $10 you got was a compensatoin for the drop calls?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Sansan @hTideGnow 

In my experience, if you can demonstrate service issues, you should get compensation.



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Good to see there's finally official acknowledgment of this issue. 


@Sansan wrote:


Compensation? It's nice to dream 💭.

LoL @Sansan , FP still new and he does not understand PM yet.. LoL



Compensation? It's nice to dream 💭.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Finally, a public acknowledgment from Public Mobile!

Now fix it and compensate everybody who was affected.

If not, people should just file CCTS complaints.

hi @PierrePublic_1 

affecting people from all across the country, so, not just one or two particular area


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Great a problem in Dartmouth NS..are we in a mobile 'hole' ? ?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hallelujah! Thank you for acknowledging the issue... is there any kind of timeline for resolution? 

I agree with the other poster this thread should probably be pinned.

Mayor / Maire


Mayor / Maire

@Ck_PM wrote:

Hello Community,

We are aware that some of our subscribers are experiencing intermittent wireless service. We want you to know that our team is actively investigating this issue and is working around the clock to resolve this as quickly as possible.

We understand the importance of staying connected and we will make every effort to keep you, the Community, informed of our progress. We thank you for your patience and we appreciate your understanding during this time. Please continue to check this Community post for the latest updates.

- The Public Mobile Team

Hello @Ck_PM 

Thank you for the update. You may wish to place this in the Announcement section but also PIN this to the top of this part of the forum as it will be one that will be seen by all upon entry.


Thank you.
Chalupa Batman

Edit: Here is what I mean. And then remove my post then lock it. 🙂 



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