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My credit cards will not work

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
I wanted to make a early payment on my 90 day plan and nothing tried a master card and visa and will not work do not now if there is any places in my area that sell vouchers but only option now I think greens pop shop would but not clear guess will call today but anyone else have this issue lately

Also shopper drug and Canadian tire sell vouchers not all of them but most of them find a closest Canadian tire or shoppers and call them ahead of heading just to make sure if they do carry pm vouchers
** I am not a Mod, please do not include any private info in a private message to me.**

As mentionned above most of the time changing browser will fix the problem.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

When the billing system rejects your credit card, sometimes trying the following works:
-clear your browser cache
-use private/incognito browsing mode
-use a different browser


For a list of PM voucher retailers in your area, check this page:
Because that list may not be updated, it's best to call the retailer to verify what they have before you visit them.


If those tips don't work or you can't find vouchers, then you could ask moderator for help with this via private message, including your phone number:

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